Text Level Packs by Grade
Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ Guided Reading books are now available in smaller packs. Choose from sets of 5 or 10 titles in 136 combinations of discrete, sequenced sets that span the full catalog of the Guided Reading Collection. Build or enhance your current guided reading collection by adding books over time according to your current needs with grade-level, text-level sets
As a teacher of literacy, you transform the lives of the children in your classroom. The Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ Guided Reading Collection allows you to build a rich guided reading collection now or over time with the most powerful, engaging, original books to advance each student's ability to process increasingly challenging books with fluency and comprehension.
The Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ Guided Reading Collection includes hundreds of original titles [6 copies of each title] that span text levels A through Z, with an accompanying lesson folder for each title. These guided reading books were created by a team of talented authors and illustrators under the direction of Fountas and Pinnell. Each book is carefully calibrated to match the 10 text characteristics underlying the F&P Text Level Gradient™.
Find out the many steps it takes to produce a Fountas & Pinnell Classroom Guided Reading book. Learn more about the evolution of a Guided Reading book in our informative infographic.