When I started in real estate, I did not follow a successful real estate agent daily plan. In fact, I probably did the polar opposite.
My morning was unstructured and usually consisted of clicking refresh on social media. I would continue to read some real estate news articles and then I would take a break because I thought I just put in a few solid hours of real estate agent-ing.
Can you relate? Do you have those days when you wake up and wonder what you are going to do that day? Or have you done plenty of research and your pumped to start your plan only to fall off the wagon by Wednesday? I’ve been there!
Today, we know we need a daily schedule to be successful in real estate. This doesn’t come as a surprise. However, knowing you need a plan and implementation are two drastically different concepts. Similar to the Rev Real Estate Business Plan, it comes down to a few key elements.
The real challenge lies in choosing the right activities and sticking to your plan. In order to do this, we need to know which activities are going to move the needle on your business and we need to understand habit formation.
Selecting the right activities to do on a daily basis can be one of the biggest hurdles when you are growing your real estate business. There are so many things competing for our time and attention that we can run around all day but not actually get anything done. (Activities
On the other side of the coin, you can have a day of hard work, but you don’t see the result. (KPIs)
When selecting activities, you should vary the tasks you do but focus closely on the Golden Hours . This is your prospecting time! Also known as your Power Hours, Hour of Power, Do Not Disturb Time, and a few terms that contain some harsh words that we won’t repeat.
No, the Golden Hours are the most fun thing in real estate, but it is one thing that will take you to the next level. Without it, one has little hope of reaching the 50 deal mark.
Pro Sales Tip: Not sure what to do what to do in business today? What is the thing you are most dreading? Do That!
During the Golden Hours, I recommend the following activities. Who you connect with can differ, but these are the activities I would reserve for this time.
KPIs (Key Performance Indicators):
When planning your activities, this is the big one. Nothing happens in real estate without consistency and one leg up you are about to have is most of your competition will not stay consistent when times are tough.
In order to stay consistent, you should focus on KPIs or Key Performance Indicators. These are trackable items that will lead to a successful real estate career. Most agents track their GCI and deals, but do they track their daily conversations? Daily conversations are a KPI because doing this will lead to deals. Here are some other KPIs.
Tracking your KPIs will be eye-opening. Often, agents are surprised by how few conversations they are having. It’s like counting calories. When I signed up with a trainer, I thought I was eating healthy. That was until I tracked my calories and I released I was eating enough to feed a growing gorilla.
Some recommended KPIs with how often they should be performed
Set targets and consistently hit them and you will be producing at a high level before you know it.
We recommend speaking to a minimum of 10 people a day, so that includes Face to Face Conversations, Phone Conversations, and Text Conversations. Emails do not count but should make up part of your daily prospecting.
Sticking to the plan is the second part of your schedule. Choosing the right activities and focusing on your KPIs is the first part, but the real challenge comes in when you are having trouble sticking to your plan.
You know there will be hard days. Days when you just don’t want to do it. It happens to everyone. When it does, remember that it all comes down to the effort. You can’t control buyers, sellers or the market, but you can control your effort.
Also, the effort pays off in around 90 days in real estate. So what you do know will benefit you in the next few months. This is difficult in real estate because it is not a career with instant gratification.
To stick to your plan, make sure that it is achievable but not easy. Real estate is simple but it is not easy. Choose the right activities, focus on your KPIs, and stick to the plan and you are going to be successful. There is no way around it! Keep a close eye on your success schedule and keep following it.
If you have an off day, that is fine. There will be days that we can’t quite hit our KPIs. That is ok, we are human. When this does happen, just don’t let it happen twice. When you skip two days, you begin to fall back into your old habits and it is hard to get back on track.
When you skip two days, you begin to fall back into your old habits and it is hard to get back on track.
Know your weakness and when you are vulnerable to quitting. At these times, remind yourself of your goal.
This all just comes down to habits. Habits are formed by a loop. It looks like this
With habits, the cue will persist. It’s not about changing our feelings on the spot. It’s about responding differently and continuing with a reward. This is a pattern interrupt.
Let’s look at the same example with a pattern interrupt.
One of the best books I have read on habits is Atomic Habits (Amazon US) (Amazon Canada)
The tricky thing is the reward is down the road. If you can conquer delayed gratification, you can conquer real estate
Let’s dive into a successful real estate agent’s daily schedule and plan. Every day in real estate can be different, but I recommend keeping your mornings the same EVERYDAY. Allow more flexibility in the afternoons and evenings.
In this schedule, you will see the following:
Fitness: Working out of any type
Gratitude and Affirmation: Quick 5 minute gratitude and affirmation practice
Admin Time: Emails, Paperwork, Administrative Calls
Golden Hours: See above
Creation Time: Media creation time including videos, podcasts, blogs, social content, etc
Learning Time: Educating yourself about something in real estate
Appointment Time: Time to show homes and go on presentations
Meal Time: This one is obvious. Put food in your mouth for this one
Flex Time: Your choice but work related
Events: You're out moving and shaking at a party, event, or out with friends
Off Time: No real estate talk, tasks, or anything like it