Since 1997, "The Four Agreements" has transformed the lives of many around the world with a simple but profound message--eliminating the learned practices of "agreements that go against ourselves and create needless suffering." With this sequel, readers are encouraged to recover the power of their authenticity -- to be who they really are
"A Toltec Wisdom book."
Introduction -- In the beginning : it's all in the program -- Symbols and agreements : the art of humans -- The story of you : the first agreement : be impeccable with your word -- Every mind is a world : the second agreement : don't take anything personally -- Truth or fiction : the third agreement : don't make assumptions -- The power of belief : the symbol of Santa Claus -- Practice makes the master : the fourth agreement : always do your best -- The power of doubt : the fifth agreement : be skeptical, but learn to listen -- The dream of the first attention : the victims -- The dream of the second attention : the warriors -- The dream of the third attention : the masters -- Becoming a seer : a new point of view -- The three languages : what kind of messenger are you? -- Epilogue: Help me to change the world
Includes bibliographical references
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